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Sports Injuries

Do you struggle with pain in the shoulder, knee, ankle, hip or elbow while reaching, squatting, running, throwing, carrying groceries, playing with your kids or buddies?


Have you not had much relief with stretching, massage, over the counter joint supports?


Most joint and muscle pain issues occur as a result of either trauma, overuse, or engaging in activities that you are not used to performing on a daily basis. In the absence of fracture or dislocation, most of these problems get diagnosed as either sprain, strain, tendonitis, bursitis, or arthritis by the medical community.

Common Orthopedic Diagnoses

Impingement syndrome

Rotator cuff tear

Frozen shoulder

Labral tear



Tennis elbow
Golfer’s elbow
Cubital tunnel syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome
De Quervain's tenosynovitis
TFCC tear


Groin strain
Impingement syndrome
Labral tear
IT band syndrome
Piriformis syndrome


Meniscus tear
ACL injury
Patellofemoral pain syndrome


Achilles strain/tendinopathy
Plantar fasciitis

happy patient pain free

Simplifying the problem

We accurately classify your condition into one of the following easy-to-understand categories, and match it with the most appropriate treatment approach.

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Improve joint mobility/stiffness

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Improve muscle/tendon loading ability

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Reduce effects of inflammation

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Treat the back/neck to improve extremity pain

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Improve pain perception and coping strategies

While a majority of extremity problems recover quickly, the slower responders (tendon pain or peripheral sensitization) do not need several appointments a week like in a traditional setting, nor would we ask you to seek advanced imaging or invasive treatments right away.


All follow-up visits are strategically made based on meeting specific goals in a timely fashion. Adequate expectations are set from the very beginning to guide you throughout your recovery so that you don’t end up chasing multiple providers or desire expensive tests that would offer no additional benefit. Advise to consult other specialists for possible injections or surgery is reserved for those rare instances where significant improvement is not seen within an expected time frame.



Inflammation must be causing the pain especially if the onset of pain is recent

Most orthopedic problems are mechanical in nature (affected by movement), hence do not always respond favorably to rest, ice or anti-inflammatory medications alone, and need movement-based interventions.

Abnormal findings on MRI is the reason for pain.

Problem lies where it hurts (for example, shoulder pain is because of an issue in the shoulder).

Abnormalities on imaging do not always correlate with pain as they are extremely common even in the joints and muscles of people who do not hurt at all.

Up to 40% of pain in the shoulder, knee, hip or elbow is in fact due to a movement-based issue in the spine even in the absence of back or neck pain.

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